Title : Read More CFIA Enforcement Due from April 04 2016 Onwards

: Admin | : 2017-06-10

On April 4, 2016, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) will begin its full enforcement of the new Halal labelling and advertising certification requirements, following a two-year transition period of the amended Food and Drug Regulations. The Regulation came after Halal food consumers had expressed concerns about the difficulty of making informed purchase decisions.

In Canada, Halal claims are voluntary. However, the new requirements will compel those manufacturers and advertisers who voluntarily use Halal claims to certify all such claims on food labels, packaging and advertising materials. The certification must be accompanied by the name of the person or organization that certified the product as Halal.

If the requirements are not met, the CFIA will enforce the new Regulations through its current label verification system and in response to complaints.