
Title : Machine Halal Slaughtering Explained.

: Admin | : 2020-02-15

Feb. 04 2020
Machine Halal Slaughtering Explained.

The Auditor for Canadian Halal Food Certifying Agency (CHFCA) talked to a group of Islamic Scholars from GTA about the validation of automation in Halal Slaughtering.

The Machine Halal Slaughtering meets 100% requirements of all aspects of Halal food and invited the scholars to throw any question to which they seek clarification.

Auditors categorically rejected the CFIA recommendation of 'Decapitation' as Corrective Action Required (CAR) in case of noted sensitivity in the bird missing the rotary blade Halal slaughtering.

Decapitation of the bird is rejected and declared Haram for the Halal Food Chain.

Auditors elaborated that there is absolutely no chance of decapitation during the Machine Halal Slaughtering as slaughtering is consistently gauged with minor or no variation in the slaughtering process.

The Auditors also mentioned that their is a significant possibility of decapitation in Hand Slaughtering in a continual online processing as manual calibration is never a gauged cut but varies significantly and it does result in the decapitation due to individual human error which any processor must find solution to eliminate such birds from the Halal Food Chain.

CHFCA rejects decapitated birds as Haram and considers such birds as waste and non-edible to Halal consumers.✔